After breakfast we went on a "walking tour" that had been arraigned for the group. It was Horrible! The woman literally walked us around the backroads of Tbilisi pointed to buildings and said "This building is very old. It is not in good condition because the city cannot fix it up." Seriously? We paid $35 a person for this? I was not thrilled with that.

The only interesting thing we saw the whole day was a Cathedral, and once inside, we couldn't even take pictures.

On our walk home, we saw this cute puppy and the kids were so excited! They thought that he looked like Kaiser, my sister's German Shepherd.

After taking a nap in our room we headed off to the Restaurant where the CLO had made reservation for our group. The meal was served family style. Jared and I thought the food was really good. The kids however had a very expensive meal of bread and chicken! Oh well.
Towards the end of the meal the live entertainment started. A woman sang Georgian songs and played the electric violin. At this point Ava had hit her "I'm past being tired, now I'm just silly" stage and decided that she wanted to dance. So she got up and did her twirls and jumps for everyone to see. Then, she wanted Daddy to dance with her, and being the princess that she is, Daddy acquiesced.
The next day we did a little shopping! Conveniently located between the Marriott and the Mcdonald's was this little street bazaar, filled with "authentic" Georgian stuff. As a tourist I was inevitably sucked in. We ended up coming home with a pair of Horns, decorated with stones and engraved metal, a dagger with a hand-made metal sheath, a hand-made jewelry box for Ava and a mini set of knives for Van, and a ceramic pot. Jared laughed at me because apparently I am not great at bartering. I thought that everything was such a good price, that it HAD to be what they were worth. I guess at one point the little old Georgian man told me he would sell me the ceramic pot set at 30 Lari, instead of the original 35 Lari. But after I had picked the set I wanted, I handed him 35 Lari. He looked at me and said "ok!" As I walked away, admiring my pot, Jared started laughing at me and told me what happened. I don't care.

Later that afternoon we were able to visit a few Monasteries outside the city. They were so beautiful. I am putting up the pic's of the kids/family on this blog. For more of the scenery/artsy pictures, visit Jared's blog.

Georgia is a beautiful place and the people there are so friendly! They LOVED Ava. People would just come up to her and touch her hair and face. Of course Ava would pretend to be shy and look up at them through her dark eyelashes and smile. There was one old lady who kept going on and on in Russian about Ava and Van. She reached into her purse and gave them each a piece of candy. The kids, of course, were thrilled. I however, feared for their life... LOL They happily ate the candy, (under my protest I might add) and lived to tell the tale.
Oh that's fantastic! I've been so excited to hear about your Georgia trip! I love that every time the kids see a German Shepherd they think of Kai because I know that they haven't forgotten us! :) I love the picts so keep 'em coming!
P.S. don't worry, I"m not a good barterer either, I'm always worried I'll offend them.
That was a very interesting trip for you all. I so enjoy reading your blog. You do a great job. Keep up the good work.
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