We were promised Snow over the weekend. When Sunday afternoon rolled around, and there were still clear blue skies overhead, Jared decided to get pro-active about the situation. We donned our very warmest snow gear and set out in search of the stuff. With minimal protest from me, we put the G wagon into 4 wheel drive and headed up towards Mt Aragats, figuring if there was snow up there in the middle of July, there was bound to be at least a little bit in the middle of December. We were not disappointed. Not only did we find snow, but the unplowed roads that went with it! We went as far as we could safely go, and then pulled off around the area where we watched the meteor shower during the summer. Van and Ava were so excited to leave the nice warm car and play with the cold snow in freezing and below freezing temperatures. I was less than excited... But we all played and had a fun time. Ava made snow angels, Van played Marines from behind the wall that he and Jared made. Then we all came home and ate some warm soup that I made from scratch!

Ah cute pictures! We woke up to about a foot (maybe foot and a half) of snow and the dogs were so excited (me, not so much but I guess it IS almost Christmas so I'm ok with it :) Maka and Kai just ran around in circles, it was funny. Maka was standing on the back porch and Kai was trying to get him to chase him and Maka tried to pounce and he slipped and all four of his legs shot straight out and he landed on his belly. He was embarrassed and came inside.... haha
OH! Poor puppy! I miss him sooooo much!
OH SO NICE (*sung to a high-pitch jingle...*)
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