
Lilypie Pregnancy tickers

Lilypie Pregnancy tickers

Ode to Glass containers

Although I have been enjoying almost everything Armenian, the milk is a major exception. It is sold off an un-refrigerated shelf, in a cardboard box. There is no easy way to open the aforementioned boxes, as both flaps are glued completely flat. If you are successful in prying the flaps up, you are faced with two choices: 1- cut the flap completely off, leaving a gapping unclose-able hole, (where the milk promptly picks up each flavor of the things sharing the refrigerator) or 2-try to run a knife/scissors/sharp object in between the two completely sealed pieces of cardboard, which if done properly will leave you with a somewhat decent (albeit SOGGY) pouring spout. However if the second option is your choice, know that if done wrong, you are left with an awkward slice through the side of your box, and you have to pour the milk by squeezing the box and hoping the output of milk lands in approximately the same spot you were aiming the slice at. (And by "approximately" I mean that some of the milk actually gets into the bowl as well as down either side of the bowl and onto the floor.) Realizing that neither option worked for me, I decided to use one of my plastic containers to hold the milk in. This worked for about 2 days, when I realized that the plastic gave the already foul tasting milk an even worse aftertaste than it already had. But now I have been saved. My purchase arrived much quicker than I expected. I unwrapped the box and found my sparkling glass milk pitcher, complete with pouring spout, lid and handle. It is the small things that make me happy. This morning, as I was getting breakfast for the kids, I did not despair when the last of the milk was gone. I stabbed a hole into the top of the villainous box, and emptied it into my perfect pitcher. It poured beautifully onto the kids' oatmeal.

(why do I feel a post is incomplete without a picture attached?)


Lissa said...

I feel the same way and in fact, won't even read posts without pictures.... ok not really but I do the same thing. I'm glad you finally got a glass bottle. I already have a hard time drinking milk so I would be the same way! How's the rest of your house coming along?

Becca said...

Yeah, I consume very little milk. The house is pretty much unpacked. We still have all the empty collapsed boxes cluttering our front entrance, but it is starting to feel like home!

Miss Heather said...

YAYAYAY! I'm so glad you found a solution... I don't drink milk but I'm a cereal eater so it would be so frustrating to me too!!! I MISS YOU!!!!

And good job with the pics... I've found if I add pics to my blog posts people leave more comments than if I don't! :)

Jean said...

:) Learning to enjoy the simple things in life can be interesting and very rewarding. Glad you got your pitcher. It is cute.

Jean said...

PS..Did you get my post on fb about the newsest addition to the family????

MightyMoM said...
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MightyMoM said...

You're Becca. You take pictures. We all know that pictures just increase the coolness factor of your entries.

jonnyburtonclimbs said...

becca, i totally share your pain. the milk is the exact same down here. they process it diferently down here in chile, im pretty sure boiling is involved, idk, but it makes the milk taste soooo gross. luckily they have many flavors of milk, including, (but not limited to) chocolate, strawberry, banana, vanilla, and much much more. also, one thing we do down here, the yoghurt is also different here, it is a lot more liquidy, allowing us to eat our cereal with yoghurt in stead of milk. try it and love it.

Becca said...

Jonny, the yogurt here is weird too. I have only tried the flavored kind, but it is like 8% fat, whereas the US yogurt is like 1-2% or fat free, so it is like super chunky. I think they went the opposite way of the Chileans...

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